Or... have your own take. My eagle eyes are lazy, my mind pays less attention to minute details.
Should I let that be a habit? I refuse to, they must be regained.

I mean what I say and I only say what I mean. Deception isn't my style, deceit leads to complexity, deceit leads the mind to wander off course. The more airtime your tongue, gets the stupider you'd seem to sound. By saying that, it almost went without saying I'm better off keeping mum than to say so much just to please your eyes and ears. It is after all for the betterment of everyone as a whole.

Eat less, chew more, talk less, listen more - and then all good things will be yours. It is the pointless acts of gluttony and greed that led us to the state the world is in. To continue our course as how it has always been would only accelerate our demise from the planet. Sounds heavy to you? Why change the world if you don't change yourself. It takes 100 1 cents to come up with a dollar, therefore YOU are part of the world population too. If I change 5 minds and you do the same, the reciprocated exponentiation of the mindset change may be the whole 'dollar'.


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