This thought pranced thru my mind as I received a request in Facebook saying a friend gifted me $1,000,000,000.

What's money if a person doesn't even have the faintest idea how the monetary system works. Most people simply work to earn money just so that they could use it to spend on something or paying off things. Quite simply they WORK FOR MONEY.

More often than not, at some point in our lives, we find ourselves stuck in a 'hamster wheel'-like cycle, almost forever running for the dangling carrot in front of you (salary and just plain money). Once we get them we have the tendency to just spend it all to make ourselves feel good, because our minds,  we say "I deserve it". I'll touch on that some other day.

Back to the initial point in this - to receive quick money isn't wealth in itself. It can be converted to wealth if used wisely. Wealth is only wealth when assets are tied to you, assets that belongs to you. A car isn't an asset until it's paid off for. It's still a liability to you until you finish paying your hire purchase loan. The same for the house you bought. Unless it's paid for , you will and must pay for the loan repayments every  month, regardless if you're earning salaries/wages or not.

See the big picture. Gifts are nice, but don't call me billionaire if you gave me a billion in cash, once I'm taxed, I'd probably be owing  the government money in taxes more than the nett value of the cash gift.

Be the one to receive the proverbial fishing rod, rather than the fish alone.
With a fish, you can eat for a day, with a fishing rod, u can fish more thereafter.

Make money work for you, don't work for money.


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